field notes


from Morocco with love . . .

The Nomad Book. . .
Michelle Fletcher Art Michelle Fletcher Art

The Nomad Book. . .

This journey will rejuvenate your spirit, quiet your mind, rouse your senses, and stir your soul to the point that you feel the magic that is Morocco reflecting back at you in all that is splendid and divine.

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Finding me . . .
Michelle Fletcher Art Michelle Fletcher Art

Finding me . . .

finding me through art and travel . . .

As a creator, of art and experiences . . . having the deep need to wander foreign lands, and to create. Alone in silence is where I find my roots.

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Tea in the Sahara
Michelle Fletcher Art Michelle Fletcher Art

Tea in the Sahara

Tea in the Sahara

Shifting sand, sounds of drums and the bottomless glasses of atay.

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breathing dreams like air . . .